Agreement with MINCyT and INTA to prepare a manual of good practices in technology contracts
We were selected by the Ministry of Science, Technology, and Innovation to collaborate with the National Institute for Agricultural Technology (INTA) in the development of a best practices manual on drafting and negotiation of technology transfer contracts in the fields of agriculture, health, and Information Technology.
The manual aims to foster, harmonize, and elevate the standards in research, development, negotiation, and technology transfer capabilities at a national level between the institutions that make up the National System of Science, Technology, and Innovation (SNCTI) and the private sector.
Team members include:
Adolfo Luis Cerioni
Pedro Berkenwald
Federico Ulled
Germán Alejandro Linzer
Marcelo Labarta
Ezequiel Paulucci
Laura Cerioni
Gabriela Sofía Risso
Federico Cetrángolo
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